Copy the ROM files from the downloaded zip file to the roms folder, in this example you'll end up with d:\Altirra\roms\*.rom.Download the Atari System Rom files in a zip file.Create a folder called 'roms' in your Altirra folder, in this example you'll end up with d:\Altirra\roms.Otherwise settings will be stored in windows registry Create an empty file called Altirra.ini in the Altirra folder, in this example you'll end up with d:\Altirra\Altirra.ini.Copy the contents of the Altirra zip file to an empty folder of choice, for example d:\Altirra.Download the Altirra zip package (Altirra 3.x binary).There are several versions of these ROMs available, but we will use ATARIXL.ROM which is the Atari XL/XE kernel ROM. For maximum compatibility, you need so called Atari System ROMs. However, not all disk or tape images will run flawlessly with the Altirra BIOS. Altirra comes with its own operating system, Altirra BIOS, which offers a reasonable level of compatibility.